The senior instructors of the Toronto Wado-Kai collectively form the Senior Dan Council. As a group, their leadership directs the organization and provides leadership for instruction, event planning, information distribution, technical direction, ranking, public relations, marketing and administration.


President & Chief Instructor: Dave Manara 10th DanseniorBeltTechnique1
416 801-7435

Vice President: Steve Borda 8th Dan
416 931-1330


Sr. Director, Advisor, & Past Vice President: Ray Kennedy 7th Dan
416 497-2711

Communications Director: Robb Dods 6th Dan
647 740-7283

Web Site Director: Leaton Bernard 6th Dan
416 605-1068

Senior Dan Council 

Dave Manara 10th Degree Black Belt
Steve Borda 8th Degree Black Belt
Randy James 7th Degree Black Belt
Ray Kennedy 7th Degree Black Belt
Larry O’Grady 7th Degree Black Belt
Andre Beauregard 6th Degree Black Belt
Leaton Bernard 6th Degree Black Belt
Heather Cant-Woodward 6th Degree Black Belt
Biller Ching 6th Degree Black Belt
Robb Dods 6th Degree Black Belt
Steve Henrich 6th Degree Black Belt
Tony Marziliano 6th Degree Black Belt
Anthony Woodward 6th Degree Black Belt
Ed Young 6th Degree Black Belt
Ken Buck 5th Degree Black Belt
Jamie Darker 5th Degree Black Belt
Chester Buczek 4th Degree Black Belt
Marion Dimand 4th Degree Black Belt
Stephen Zulauf 4th Degree Black Belt